CORPORATION $550.00/Hour
per item
Companies, Celebrities, Lawyers, Politicians, Athletes:
Brand Strategy, Reputation, Media, Influence, Measurement, Digital Content, Consumer Marketing, Meme Management, Community, Co-Creation, Engagement, Events, Communications Strategies, Identify and Engage with Influencers online and offline, Create Integrated Marketing and Communications Strategies, Word-of-Mouth Marketing, Social Media Management, Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Research,Due Diligence
Brand Strategy, Reputation, Media, Influence, Measurement, Digital Content, Consumer Marketing, Meme Management, Community, Co-Creation, Engagement, Events, Communications Strategies, Identify and Engage with Influencers online and offline, Create Integrated Marketing and Communications Strategies, Word-of-Mouth Marketing, Social Media Management, Business Plan, Marketing Plan, Research,Due Diligence