What was it about American Idol that captured over 10-20 million viewers per episode?
When first introduced to the public, the American Idol talent elimination concept and its voting technology was cutting edge!!!
Its interactive fan-driven experience impacted the direction of the show…
Our proposal taps into that legacy…
It outlines Tier 1 and Tier 2 social-by-design experiences that will capture and manage American Idol’s fans…old and new generations…in Real-Time…
The American Idol corporate sponsors and advertisers will non-intrusively embed their Brands within the experience of the fans…in Real-Time…collecting opt-in data of entertainment trends, viral connectivity to the fan and viral traction…quantified…in Real-time
Our goal:
American Idol Season 13...a legacy of cutting edge co-viewing experiences empowering fans, advertisers, sponsors and mobile-centric partners…In Real Time...
Why Real Time?
Human interactions today are ‘present moment’. These present moments are virtual minds of intrinsic pursuits.
Intrinsic pursuits are those that are ‘engaged in’ for their own built-in satisfaction in the doing. They, by their nature always occur in the present moment.
Television studios, movie studios, advertisers, sponsors and Fortune 500 brands that do not engage the ‘present moment’ of everyday lives and their social media experiences, will lose their opportunity of a ‘present moment’ experience with their established fans through their fan-based databases. A corporate brand embeds their presence for future up-sales campaigns and for the positioning of their pre-existing databases for continued social relationships with their fans.
When first introduced to the public, the American Idol talent elimination concept and its voting technology was cutting edge!!!
Its interactive fan-driven experience impacted the direction of the show…
Our proposal taps into that legacy…
It outlines Tier 1 and Tier 2 social-by-design experiences that will capture and manage American Idol’s fans…old and new generations…in Real-Time…
The American Idol corporate sponsors and advertisers will non-intrusively embed their Brands within the experience of the fans…in Real-Time…collecting opt-in data of entertainment trends, viral connectivity to the fan and viral traction…quantified…in Real-time
Our goal:
American Idol Season 13...a legacy of cutting edge co-viewing experiences empowering fans, advertisers, sponsors and mobile-centric partners…In Real Time...
Why Real Time?
Human interactions today are ‘present moment’. These present moments are virtual minds of intrinsic pursuits.
Intrinsic pursuits are those that are ‘engaged in’ for their own built-in satisfaction in the doing. They, by their nature always occur in the present moment.
Television studios, movie studios, advertisers, sponsors and Fortune 500 brands that do not engage the ‘present moment’ of everyday lives and their social media experiences, will lose their opportunity of a ‘present moment’ experience with their established fans through their fan-based databases. A corporate brand embeds their presence for future up-sales campaigns and for the positioning of their pre-existing databases for continued social relationships with their fans.
An automated American Idol website for the purchasing of '1 minute spots' and for the advertisement of corporate Brand logos, via a non-intrusive subscriber experience, during the ring of a subscriber’s cellular phone:
Prior to the answering of an incoming call, the subscriber sees the logo of the corporate Brand that has purchased the ‘1 minute spot’ from the ‘American Idol Media Spots’ website. The subscriber reads, “Sponsored by…and sees the image of the corporate logo and/or the image of their coupon, rebate or gift card which may appear on their cellular screen).
If the subscriber likes the corporate logo or the corporate logo’s special offer, at the end of their call, he or she may elect to revert back to the corporate Brand logo;
· To then press the number 1 for placing a mobile payment in exchange of digital download of original , limited edition song by American Idol performer or guest Celebrity performers,
· Or press the number 2 for providing an email or address for receiving the corporate Brand’s limited offer/giveaway or contest registration.
· Or press the number 3 to receive limited and numbered American Idol digital Card exclusively branded by licensing and merchandising companies for product promotions (movie tickets, freebies, etc…)
What’s in it for the advertisers and corporate sponsors?
Upon the purchase of the corporate Brand’s '1 minute cellular spot', permission is granted to upload their logo brand for the placement of their non-intrusive logo image and/or their special offers or give away; distributed to the subscribers of the partnered cellular carriers.
Unlike the marketing campaign reports as derived from Internet algorithms; as provided by Internet search engines and/or Online marketing companies/SEO programs or television reports or radio reports provided by media buying firms; during the distribution of the corporate Brand’s '1-minute logo spot', in real-time; they may view quantified reports and review the traction/stickiness of their '1 minute spots' paid for from their American Idol Media Spot account management section of the
Prior to the answering of an incoming call, the subscriber sees the logo of the corporate Brand that has purchased the ‘1 minute spot’ from the ‘American Idol Media Spots’ website. The subscriber reads, “Sponsored by…and sees the image of the corporate logo and/or the image of their coupon, rebate or gift card which may appear on their cellular screen).
If the subscriber likes the corporate logo or the corporate logo’s special offer, at the end of their call, he or she may elect to revert back to the corporate Brand logo;
· To then press the number 1 for placing a mobile payment in exchange of digital download of original , limited edition song by American Idol performer or guest Celebrity performers,
· Or press the number 2 for providing an email or address for receiving the corporate Brand’s limited offer/giveaway or contest registration.
· Or press the number 3 to receive limited and numbered American Idol digital Card exclusively branded by licensing and merchandising companies for product promotions (movie tickets, freebies, etc…)
What’s in it for the advertisers and corporate sponsors?
Upon the purchase of the corporate Brand’s '1 minute cellular spot', permission is granted to upload their logo brand for the placement of their non-intrusive logo image and/or their special offers or give away; distributed to the subscribers of the partnered cellular carriers.
Unlike the marketing campaign reports as derived from Internet algorithms; as provided by Internet search engines and/or Online marketing companies/SEO programs or television reports or radio reports provided by media buying firms; during the distribution of the corporate Brand’s '1-minute logo spot', in real-time; they may view quantified reports and review the traction/stickiness of their '1 minute spots' paid for from their American Idol Media Spot account management section of the
The Venternet Digital Delivery System
Behind the click of a logo on a Venternet Bite is an audio message, a video clip, a breaking news story short of American Idol contestant, a guest celebrity, a Press Release announcement, pre-existing print ad (graphics of actual American Idol campaign in magazines,news releases or video promotions).
Do you have to be an American Idol Contestant to have a V-Card?
After logging in or registering, the enduser chooses his or her Venternet format, customizes the Venternet Bite of choice by uploading content ( a text message, art, logo, video, contest, premium item, movie trailor, or commercial) onto the Venternet template. The end user then chooses his demographics, and geographic regions to distribute his or her Venternet Bite and finally, has the option to pay via credit card or other payment options for major distribution. The Venternet Bite is distributed as similar to that of a Banner Ad, press release, or that of a viral marketing campaign. The Venternet Bite is an SEO within the search engines and is also submitted for inclusion on Yahoo News!, Google News, You Tube, and all partnered websites that will benefit as affiliates;receiving a percentage when a logo on a Venternet Bite is clicked onto by its end users. In order that the end user be able to view the content within the Vneternet Bite, he or she must click onto the logo of the advertiser, or brand that has paid for the distribution of the Venternet Bite.
The Venternet Bites are linked to partnered Internet sites, news feeds and may be downloaded for distribution from e-mail to e-mail and from site to site and again, as similar to the banner ad distribution capabilities. The best part of the Venternet Digital System is the social stickiness that it attracts without the intrusion of a banner ad.. The Venternet Bite is never a nuisance; it becomes an opt-in experience capturing the likes of millions for viewing behind the logos; videos, comics, comedic texts, visual images, print ads, movie trailors, television commercials for contests and give-aways and more. Likewise, the Venternet Vid Bites are also powerful within the gaming industry for announcing winners, contests, sampling video games, contests and give-aways.
The Venternet Bites recieving the most traction or activity on the Internet are then reconfigured and are produced as hard copy collectibles, are EDI-enabled and available for purchase on the Internet at websites of affiliates and partnered websites/networks. The purchase prices will vary from $1.00-$19.95. At end of business day, affter a tally of the most trafficked Venternet Bites, they are also distributed for sales via the Venternet Opt-in distribution system (opt-in email distribution, Venternet PR campaign, or mainstream media campaign for promoting the Venternet Bites now valued as collectibles.) The top 10 Venternet Bites, with the most sales or requests for manufacturing, will be produced on a limited edition basis only, to become that of a hard-copy, collectible and valued collector's item, labeled, "The Venternet Card".
The Sponsor or Advertiser that paid for the Venternet distribution of the digital card online, will be contacted with the specifics and will relay the number of hard-copies inwhich they would like to be manufactured as limited editions. The Corporate brand or sponsor may elect to cross-promote their hard-copy version of the Venternet Bite (card) with premium give-aways, prize opportunities, or may elect to include coupons or discounts of their products. The Venternet Card once manufactured is always a limited edition of a series and is also comparable to gift cards that also caters to the coupon industry sectors and merchandising companies. The buyers and collectors of the limited edition Venternet Cards may use them at traditional retail stores or cafes’ as Starbucks or may elect to trade them, sell them or auction them off at at sites as Ebay for top dollars. An example of such would be that of a collector who may have purchased the limited edition Venternet Card for the reasonable price of $9.00 and after a day, weeks, months or years later, sells that same Venternet Card $200.00 or more. Obviously, the after-market prices of the limited edition Venternet Cards will depend upon whether, the card was redeemed by the owner or not.
As the Venternet Cards are redeemed or auctioned off as an un-redeemed Venternet Card, end users who become loyal collectors may track their activity on the Team Hollywood News, and designated websites. They do so for making certain that they are not buying an already redeemed card on Ebay, that is no longer as valuable. An example of such an event would be that of a Venternet card in which was purchased at the price of $19.95 to then be auctioned off later by the buyer for $200.00.
The Sponsors and Advertisers (mainstream media, television shows, magazine advertisers, movie studios, and corporate brands Love the Venternet experience; their logos being features on the Venternet cards to be clicked onto for viewing the video, the text, images, audio or content behind the image of the card. Moreover, they love the Venternet Cards because after having paid for the initial distribution of the Venternet card, they continue getting traction and awareness of their brand as the end users transform their cards to collectibles of choice for making a profit.
The Sponsor/ Advertiser chooses the contents of their pre-existing print ads or shot footage for card content or from Team Hollywood roster of star or program supplied content. Choose from existing print ads or from a list of our celebrity or event cover art for images on the cards.
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